This summer marks a first for our family. This year the vacation wasn't filled with catch up work or much needed fixes at the house, rather we decided that we would use our 2 weeks to get away. As I sit in our dining room and look at the projects still unfinished I guard myself against anxiety and remember that just yesterday we arrived home.
It all started with some friends at Church who asked us if we would like to use their cabin for a week. We checked the schedule for a week that would work and then booked it. As we prepared to go, they mentioned that we could use it for however long we wanted. REALLY? One week turned into 2. It was one of the first times in our marriage that we didn't piggy back our holiday alongside a ministry trip. It felt so different to plan to just go away and enjoy one another in nature. We planned, packed and headed out. When we arrived we unloaded, and decided that a tradition needed to be started with this little family and so it began with pizza and a walk to the ice cream store.
I need adventure and time to create and write.
This summer has blown me away with how amazing God is. In the midst of our incredible lack, God's power and provision is made perfect in our admittance of our need.
Thank you God for your incredible ways that you bless and provide everything that we need and even the things we want sometimes. How marvelous are your ways! May you God be glorified and lifted up in all that we do, say and create. Amen