"this is not my own picture"
This summer has been a somewhat slow summer in terms of blogging. A problem is that I need to do it after work...at work, as my computer at home is slow. I am thankful to the person that donated it and for the use of dial up. That alone has saved me much the last year and I am greatful to my friends who have supported me in this way...BLESS YOU!
I am hoping that this winter I will be able to upgrade...get something a wee bit faster and maybe if my support comes in fully, move to high speed.
Part of that wish is so that I can post photographs. Photography is a passion of mine. I love my K1000 Pentax...it has been my faithful companion now for nearly a decade. Thank you Dad! It still takes great shots.
So I have talked about an art auction fundraiser idea...well, I have been looking around, phoning and emailing for possible dates and times. It looks like it could be early November and maybe some surprizes in terms of music. I am still working on that part of it. The venue...not sure yet. But it is coming along. I am getting some prints made this weekend and will start framing. That is costly so I will have to watch my pennies and try to do things as cheap as possible, especially for the first showing.
I have started another Blog and eventually, will just have photographs on there. People can go there and look and order prints and I will ship them out to them once payment is in hand. www.skinyboycards.blogspot.com is the addy. Be patient! I have yet to figure out prices. I will sell them unframed, as that is just easier to ship.
So there you have a bit about the pictures and fundraiser to come.
This fall something solid happened in my life. It feels like my faith solidified in a way that has made my feet feel very sure of themselves. The temptations, the desires to act out in old patterns seem to have diminished. I am not saying they are gone, yet, there seems a freedom that I have never felt before. Maybe it has to do with forgiveness.
Let me explain.
My family is being shaken...the old ways of relating gone. This fall, I got a chance to talk to a few family member and I forgave them for things that they did or said to me that was harmful and that affected me in deep ways. My perceptions of them and God were way off...and I realized that I needed to forgive them...as I still clung to the hurts and pain. In talking with them, I explained forgiveness...how if I do not forgive I hold them tight in my grasp...and in a way, hold them hostage to my unforgiveness.
Interesting the word of God explains forgiveness...
Ephesians 4:32- be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you.
Colossians 3:13- Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Matthew 6:14- For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
2 Corinthians 2:5-7 If anyone has caused grief, he has not so much grieved me as he as grieved all of you, to some extent-not to put it too severely. The punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient for him. Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwelmed by excessive sorrow.
There are also some good ones in
2 Cor 2:10, Luke 6:37, Mark 11:25, Proverbs 17:9, Proverbs 10:12, Matthew 18:21-22
God shows us that forgiveness is important. Holding grudges, hurts and pains not so good!!! I know for myself, it is a process, a stepping out and honestly forgiving people for the wrong they have done me as well as asking for their forgiveness.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Let me be quick to forgive and quick to ask for forgiveness. May I release those who have offended me, so that you can move powerfully in their lives. Jesus, may I be quick to repent of my own sin, and ask for forgiveness. Thank you that you bore my sin on the cross, that you carried the pain, shame and guilt of my sin. I am forever greatful for your loving kindness and mercy that you show me, day after day. Lord, I come to you, blemishes and all, full of pain and sin, and fall at your feet, finding rest in your presence.
Your loving brother and son