What I find interesting
is the thoughts of man.
Wasted memories,
thougths that flew.
Desires burn
passions plea.
Trying to take us to
common places,
so comfortable
so un-new.
Wanting more
of your consumming grace
mercy unfailing
mercy unchanging.
To be consummed by you,
take over
desires within.
Line them up
to your rule and reign.
Consume me, consume me.
Paths I've walked
hearts I've found,
used and abused
no rest I found.
Till you came
you rescued me
drew me close
with your unfailing love,
your unchanging name.
kpw 2006
Oh Mercy Lord
come rest on me.
Change my name
change my plea.
Here I stand
arms open wide.
Consume me with
your holy fire
consume me with
your holy fire
kpw 2006
I have been writing a bit more on paper lately. Having the need to write with a pen or pencil. Hear the scratch of the writing utensil on the paper, see the color go across the page. It is easy to type and hear the click of the keys, but there is something about writing on paper. Theraputic.
So, there are changes going on in my life and I am having to focus on taking it one day at a time. Focus on today. Not months down the line. That will come. So I ease up. Enjoy the moment.
So what happens here with transparency in regards to the person I am dating? I am choosing for the moment not to comment. Keep it between God and her and some good friends who support us. Maybe one day I will post about her, but not right now. It is right now too tender and sweet.
I have been missing appointments and it kinda feels like I need to take stock of things in my life. Take time to stop and think. Refocus.
So tomorrow, or this morning...we go golfing, a few friends and we relax before the big party Saturday night. I am happy that they arrived safe from Minneapolis, that we can visit and enjoy each others company. I am looking forward to many more times with them at conferences and meetings. Thank you God for directing my path. For making known my direction and supplying my needs according to your glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
I moved back in May last year and so much has changed. Job, career, relationship status, accomodations. To some it could be overwelming, but when God is in control there is an element of peace that comes. I want to elaborate...but these thoughts will come in another post...