Those 6 words are profound. Let's sit with them for awhile. Think of your life, the way you were raised, trained up and how you perceive life and meaning.
Does God speak? In the silence of the wilderness, in the shattering noise of a city street? What does it mean to wrestle with gender, and not accept the standard of just being gay? What does it mean to speak about that journey, accepting others, yet still be true to your own self? This is my journey out of silence, out of the shadows of others, not afraid of my own voice, rather, listening to my Rabbi speak my name, giving me strength.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Sabbath Rest - New Life
Those 6 words are profound. Let's sit with them for awhile. Think of your life, the way you were raised, trained up and how you perceive life and meaning.
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Give Me Cake
Today, I got thinking of cake. This weekend I decided to make some banana cake that my neighbor makes which is totally delicious. By far it is the best banana cake I have ever had. I felt strange asking her for the recipe because the cake is that good. Sometimes when its that good people don't want to share or it almost feels sacred!
But, she shared. As I looked at the recipe and got all the ingredients out, I realized that I was missing vanilla. Oh no! It won't taste the same without that. I knew that I was going to be sharing the cake with my neighbor so I hoped that I wouldn't bomb at making it. Again, there is this sacredness to a recipe that I felt a bit worried about. What would she think?
I looked in the cupboard and found that I had just enough almond extract and so I shifted the recipe ever so slightly and included that instead of vanilla. As the cake baked, I made the icing and again, I veered off ever so slightly from the recipe. When I took the cake out, I sampled it and I have to admit, it was pretty darn amazing. After it cooled, I iced it and tried another piece...okay...that was it, I had taken a recipe that was already so good and made a few twists and it came out just different enough for it to be a stand alone recipe from the original. It was really good.
Why am I sharing this experience?
About a month ago, I was asking the Lord to answer my hearts cry to be renewed in an area of my life that I felt was in need of rejuvenation. Sometimes in life, we get comfortable, and I had gotten that way since this whole pandemic started. Even to the point that I was unsure that I wanted to even be in ministry anymore. This felt too difficult and I was tired. Maybe leave all this stuff to others and just let me be. Yet, inside I knew that this was a fleshly response and so I began to cry out for a revival. REVIVE ME GOD.
Less than a week later someone asked if they could come and meet and just read scripture, sing or pray together. I was game.
They came and sat down in the corner of my office and began to read the account of Elijah running away from Jezebel. (1 Kings 19)
Elijah was afraid and he ran for his life. He cries out to the Lord, "It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life, for I am no better than my fathers." Then he lays down and sleeps under a broom tree. There an angel touched him and said, "Arise and eat". There Elijah looked and saw a cake baked on hot stones and a jar of water. He ate and lay down again. Then he falls asleep again. Again the Angel touched him and said, "Arise and eat, for the journey is too great for you." So Elijah did what was told him. He eat and drank and then went in the strength of that for 40 days and 40 nights.
It goes on to say that Elijah came to a cave and dwelt within. The world of the Lord came to him and asked him what he was doing and Elijah proclaimed that He has been very jealous for the Lord, the God of hosts and that all the people of Israel had forgotten your covenant, and thrown down altars, killed prophets and here he is the only one left, and they are after him to take his life.
The Lord's response? Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord and there was a strong wind, an earthquake, a fire...and the Lord was not in that...but there came a still small voice, a whisper...and Elijah covered his face.
Afterwards God told Elijah what to do and he obeyed.
As this scripture was being read, I knew the Holy Spirit was speaking to me. What I heard was a still small voice...which spoke: "Fear Not, your new response to every thing that you will ever face in life is fear not."
All I could do was weep. Not with tears of sorrow or grief, but tears of joy. The Lord was asking me to eat some cake, the cake of His Words which were coming to sustain me and send me forth into ministry and his kingdom work. This felt like a new anointing. A new charge and I received it. It felt very similar to the words spoke to me 18 year ago when I heard God say "You don't have to go back to Egypt" and my life took a dramatic shift as I surrendered everything to follow Him.
So, it seems that I am surrendering again. I'm asking the Lord to feed me in a new way, and my response is Lord, give me cake! This new cake is slightly different and I need it for this season, to live a life of godliness and a life surrendered to you. All for your kingdom and your glory. Come Holy Spirit Come.
Wednesday, November 09, 2022
Check That Anger
Left unchecked our emotions, leave us vulnerable to emotional/physical explosions, which not only affect us personally but those around us, our families, friends, work colleagues and neighbors. These explosions come in varying forms, and we cope with it in varying ways.
Let's look at anger.
Now, anger is not entirely bad. It's a mechanism to help us discover that we may need to unpack deeper emotions. Experiencing anger can be yelling or constantly getting frustrated with someone or something. You can respond to others by ignoring them, answering them in short curt ways, using sarcasm, snide or degrading comments. The word of God tells us that what comes out of our mouth is what is coming from our heart. Our heart is what we think. It is the place where we store up all of our experiences (good and bad)
Luke 6:45 is sobering words for us; "A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of."
and Proverbs 4:23 which says, 'Guard your heart with all diligence, for from it flows springs of life.'
Given these verses, how do we do this? How can we
experience a new response other than anger?
It's allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal to you, your heart. 'Search me Lord, see if there is any wicked
way in me and lead me to understanding!' Maybe fast for awhile, or remove
entertainment, social media, shopping, drinking or whatever you feel like you
are turning to, to find comfort. Maybe that is even in relationships if you find
your meaning and purpose from others. Listening to the Lord in your quiet place
and then allow him to minister healing to the underlying pain or sin that he
wants to address.
One of the areas in my life that comes up every once in awhile are my own disappointments in life choices. Truth be told, when I face a situation that reminds me of past failures, or when I don't have a solution to a problem, emotions can come to the surface such as pain, shame and self pity and this begins to paralyze me. I'm reminded of the bullying, broken boundaries, and the sense that I often felt like I lacked more instructions on what I needed to face as an adult. (at the time I had no language to seek help) This caused me to walk in a false sense of independence. Trying to figure out life and all its complexities, with an attitude of 'you can't tell me what to do'. But under all of that is still someone who needs encouragement and guidance.
The best response in all of this is to surrender. To hand over all the disappointments over to Jesus which is a catalyst to healing. Giving Jesus our past poor choices and allowing ourselves to grieve the reasons behind it and then move on is huge. I think that’s the art of forgiveness. Where you forgive others and also forgive yourself, you choose to no longer shame yourself into apathy or self deprecation, which just cripples oneself to moving on toward the prize set before us and lose sight of the good still all around you.
If you find yourself wondering about your explosions, anger, or
how you are responding to others, seek out someone to pray with you. Someone who
will listen with you to the voice of Jesus who forgives all your sin, who offers
you hope even in the face of uncertainty, peace in the midst of turmoil, joy even
in your pain and an opportunity to encounter his eternal love that he has for you,
each and every day.
Wednesday, February 02, 2022
Posture in the Storm
Over the course of the last several years I have encountered storms of many kinds, which have impacted me on many levels. Some of them have paralyzed me in grief and depression, while others have caused me to isolate in ways of entertainment and eating, rather than being emotionally present with acknowledging my need, and some have caused me to be unshaken, unfurled by the winds and waves and I see God in the midst of all of this. A God who is full of grace and mercy and love, always there for me and always desiring that I turn to him first and foremost.
This was a storm and I was faced not so much with my wife's illness, but rather my response or lack of response. In many ways I retreated to my fortress or a place of self preservation. I'd like to say I was heroic in my care for her and she would say that I did the best I could and that I was a GREAT husband, and yes, I could get the job done, but God has been calling me to something more.
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Orientation Crazy
Maybe it's with a family member or friend who struggles with their sense of gender identity or sexuality and it could be with someone who doesn't struggle but fully embraces an orientation or identity within the LGBTQ descriptive.
I get it! Having struggled with gender identity issues and unwanted same sex attraction, and then coming out gay identified, I get it. I get the notion of needing and wanting to have a sense of congruence with how I felt in regards to my orientation. I wanted to carry the card that said, "I AM GAY...and if I want to transition to a woman...that is my RIGHT! Just get over it already!" I spent years trying to fit in with what I thought a heterosexual man was, and even more, what a Christian Heterosexual Man was supposed to be. I tried not to show any signs of 'gayness!' or that I might secretly desire to be wearing women's clothes, and the more I tried to hide, the more I struggled to find normalcy. I definitely wasn't living authentically or true to my 'feelings' but how was I supposed to live my life?
So eventually the hiding stopped and I came out. GLORY BE, I WAS FREE!! I could breathe, I could relate to others with similar stories and I could finally say..."This is how I was to be all along!" I lived like this for almost 8 years, with a strong sense of my orientation. This is how I was created, this is how I was called to live my life. I wasn't acting, or playing gay and I was no longer trying to act as a heterosexual man.
I was orientation CRAZY!
You couldn't tell me that I was anything else, because if God didn't eradicate the 'unwanted feelings' toward the same gender, then they should really be my authentic self. Sigh of relief. In my many circles of friendships this was often the mantra. We didn't 'talk' about why we might feel this way, we just always said 'this is who we are'.
Then God did a funny thing. Well, it wasn't necessarily funny, but it was life changing for me. He spoke to me! In a moment when I was at a crossroads, I allowed myself to 'crack' just a little...I asked him for help and he spoke clearly. He didn't say in a booming voice, "Thou Shall Not be GAY, Thou Shall Not be Transgendered!" He said, "You don't have to go back to Egypt!"
What resonated was my orientation. I knew God was saying I don't have to be gay identified, nor transgender identified nor heterosexual identified! I knew God was saying; "Kenn, your orientation is me! PERIOD!" The joy of the Lord in that moment was my strength, it filled me completely and was probably overflowing all over the place. I would love to see that moment from above...what did I look like? Was I glowing? All I knew is that it felt like scales falling off my eyes and I could see clearly and know that this was HUGE!
I became crazy about orienting my vision and my identity in Jesus, allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal more and more of Jesus, who in relationship with me, revealed my heavenly father who had always wanted my gaze to be on HIM ONLY. Not on my life, my own sense of orientation, my desires etc. He was saying "Come follow me!" Will you lay down everything to follow me?" Absolutely!
I knew as well that my journey would be hard. It wouldn't be easy to swim upstream. When I laid down the gay orientation label, it was by far, way easier in culture to be gay identified. What was I thinking? Couldn't I just be a gay celibate Christian?
The temptation was there, yet it now felt in-congruent with who God was saying I was. I was a new creation, created for his glory. I was slowly being transformed more and more into who he had created me to be and that was toward his Holiness.
So, my orientation shifted and so did my language. All things were being made new and this is good news. Culture dictates and even many Christian's say: to be authentic with how one thinks and feels is critically important. To life healthy is to not deny your 'orientation'. Yet, one can authentically say, this is how I feel, this is what I desire, Jesus help me in the journey and point me to my heavenly Father whose love is so radical and much so that I'm compelled to lay down my life and find it in Christ, and in the body of Christ. Relevancy is not in becoming more and more like culture, but rather more and more like Christ, who denied himself and took up the cross to set us free, to live fully present, fully aware within the body of Christ.
I write this because this story is not uncommon. Thousands of men and women share a similar story and we are part of the make up of a diverse society. A society that would like to say, our voice is not to be heard. That we are 'acting' rather than 'being' authentically ourselves and yet we can honestly say, "Who the Son sets free is free indeed!"
Tuesday, January 09, 2018
I'm a nobody...and so much more
Seriously, if you think about it for a moment, you have an innate desire to be 'somebody' or 'something'.
"What do you want to be when you grow up?" For the longest time my daughter wanted to be a vet. That changed when she realized she didn't like blood...and she might have to do stuff that is really gross! Then she wanted to be a teacher. This is slowly changing and the other day she said she wanted to work at a spa! Oh, my precious one! I hope one day she comes to the place of realizing that she is a nobody, created to be a somebody.
Here's the thing. This morning while I was at a city wide prayer meeting I saw all our titles being thrown to the ground. All our duties, job descriptions, the ways 'we' describe ourselves and the deficits that we still live with and all of it was rubbish and thrown out and what was left was just abiding in Jesus, and living in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, knowing the affections of our Heavenly Father.
Here in this place of total surrender, nothing hinders us. We can no longer say... "I can't serve because...I can't do that because...I'm not strong enough because...I'm too weak because...I don't know enough yet because...I'm not qualified, because..."
The moment we said yes and amen to Jesus' work of salvation/gospel message and we've been baptized, we are a 'new creation, created to do His good deeds that he has established for us to do...long before we even said...YES!
So nothing else matters.
I continue to struggle with the residuals of being gay identified, and authentically walk out my same gender attractions, and have done great work in the whole area of searching my heart, asking Jesus to heal and restore many deficits, and yet what remains is the residuals of sin...but I can't use any of that to stop me from doing what HE calls me to do, which is to be the Spiritual Head of my home, to love and call forth my wife and child and to make disciples of all nations. That means, fear, insecurities, esteem issues, identity issues, deficits...all take second place to trusting God with what he tells me to do, and the submission of all authority in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, who equips me with all wisdom and knowledge to do what pleases God. Not out of duty or to check something off a list but to really do it out of a love relationship that come from abiding in him and being obedient.
So today, I cried out to him for more...that he would continue to form and create in me a new person, the old has gone the new has come...and I told him, I'm scared...but I won't back down to what HE wants to do, because it isn't about me, I'm a nobody, created to be a somebody, to further His kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.
Today, if you feel like you are stuck in fear, insecurities, and maybe a list of "I can't...or...I'm scared!" That is the best place to start, in acknowledging your need of the Holy Spirit, Jesus and God.
Call out to him while He is near, and He will show you the way to go...and do what pleases him.
Psalms 1-5
Proverbs 1
Wednesday, January 03, 2018
Living Love
Entering into 2018, I wondered..."Will life look any different? What will life look like?" and as I thought about it, I began to see that all God is asking for me at the moment is to live love. Not so much a focus on love living, but to live love out of His empowerment for His glory. You see my understanding of 'love living' is to think that everything will be rosy, dandy, and of my choosing. That somehow I can love living through experiences that I make and yet I want something deeper than experiential opportunities. I was to live love, despite the circumstances that I may face whether good or bad.
It's a manifesto of sorts, to proclaim and declare that one will live love rather than love living. To some this will sound rather redundant or you can't have one without the other, or the later is a by product of living love, but I think if we decide to seek first the Kingdom of God and ALL his righteousness and choose to live love in every situation, circumstance and experience, we can in the good times and the difficult times learn in very essence the art of loving life.
Practically speaking, I think it looks a whole lot like the fruits of the spirit: Kindness, gentleness, self control, patience, goodness, joy, faithfulness, peace...and the greatest of
Choosing to live love means to be cloaked in love...and we can't have this fully unless we are seeped in the Holy Spirit. Declaring each day the Holiness of God our Father, who extravagantly loves. Asking for the fullness of our day..."Give us this day...", guarding against evil, sin, patterns of selfishness, walking as ones forgiven and ones offering forgiveness...and laying down our lives to serve only one master...God. (Matthew 6)
To live love is to radically choose the opposite of how we may feel on any given moment and to choose to depend fully on the empowerment of the Holy Spirit who is revealing Jesus, who equips us with everything we need to live life to the full, not for our glory or fame but for his. To God be the Glory and furthering of His Kingdom. AMEN