Friday, August 18, 2006


Okay...time to roll up the sleeves and get creative.
My position at New Direction as Resource Outreach Coordinator is awesome. Urban Missions is where it is at. I love it, feel life there.
But I need partners to walk along side me...supporting me financially.
So I am thinking that I will plan an art show...with some photographs that I have done and ask others to donate some paintings and have a show. The proceeds of the show will go towards my position at New Direction.
Ideally, it is best to have regular monthly donors who give every month...but sometimes we need perks. I will be planning on something in the next couple of months.
I will need help planning, preparing and putting it on.
You will have also noticed a banner advertisment on my site about Tshirts. That is a fundraiser for myself as well. For every 20 tshirts that are sold...I get a percentage of the sales. It is a christian run business who have a heart to provide funds for those who are mission based.
The need is great for my position. Never have we seen such an increase in those seeking help from the ministry.
Please, pray and ask God how you can help.

1 comment:

Nathan and Malann said...

I would love to contrubute to your art show Ken.
Let me know when.
Malann Klassen